The Book of Indentures and why they're important to all residents
The Association by-laws were originally written to insure our community values being evident to any person visiting our subdivision but a lot has changed over the past 40 years. Those of you who originally purchased your home new are probably well aware of many changes. Keeping up with those changes is not an easy task. Things that were common, everyday considerations in 1972 have been replaced with other concerns as society and technology progresses. Even so, there are many residents living here who've probably never even seen, much less read one of the most important books governing our community, the Book of Indentures.
The Book of Indentures is more than just a guideline for responsible living here in the Village. It's actually a set of rules, covenants and restrictions that have been filed with the county and "run with the land." That means it governs the use and control of the property for as long as the property exists. Consider it like the U.S. Constitution in that it sets procedures for the operation and continued viability of our subdivision. And like the constitution, it needs amending from time to time to stay current with the times.
How long has it been since you've read the Book of Indentures? Living in the Village is not a passive event. It is, by definition an active responsibility in keeping your property to a certain standard of living and abiding by the rules. The rules are not optional and apply to everyone living here including guests and visitors. While it's the responsibility of the Resident's Association to ensure compliance, it's also the responsibility of every resident to be vigilant in keeping their own property and actions in compliance. Ignorance of the BOI is no different than ignorance of the law. It cannot be excused and there are consequences for non-compliance that go beyond lowered home values due to poorly maintained property.
When you moved into the Village, like it or not, you became bound by the rules and standards set forth in the BOI. Every resident is bound by the same rules and standard. Compliance is not an option. It's as much a personal responsibility as it is a by-law. Some residents believe the rules somehow don't apply to them or their children. They are not only mistaken but are destroying the very fabric that makes for a better quality of living for us all. Worse, their non-compliance takes time, attention and money away from other issues that serve the entire community. These people think they're "showing" the board they can do whatever they want but that is neither the reality nor the case.
Lost or misplaced your Book of Indentures? Contact the office for a new one. It's imperative that every homeowner do their part to improve our community and it begins at home. After reading the indentures, if you find you're not in compliance, why not work to correct it? Take it upon yourself to show pride in your home. Don't have time? Hire someone. Don't have the money? Ask friends and neighbors for help. Call the office to see if assistance is available from a group wanting to donate their time. Someone will help because it not only improves your home, but improves our community as a whole.
Homeowners, where is our sense of pride? Our homes are the largest investment most of us will make. Are we going to allow a few residents to adversely affect that investment through neglect, laziness or apathy? We must not allow unkempt yards, poorly maintained homes, junk cars, roaming animals, vandalism, unpaid assessments and more to depreciate our neighborhood. We are challenging each and every resident in the Village to make any needed changes to their own property and help their neighbors do the same. Join together and put pressure on the "habitual offenders" on your block to fix and clean up their property. Small efforts from each resident can pay off big dividends. We must work together being part of the solution, not part of the problem. And make no mistake, if you continue to ignore the problem, you're contributing to the problem, also.
To get your copy of the VOJ Book of Indentures you can download it here from this website