Board Meeting Procedures
Evidently there's some misunderstanding causing confusion among some residents as to how the board conducts its regularly scheduled meetings. Since the board only is required to meet once a month to address all scheduled business at hand, there's a meeting structure that must be strictly followed. A formal procedure not meant to ignore anyone but to ensure any resident having first placed a topic on the agenda of official business for that month, will be heard. It is for no other reason than to properly manage time among the other business scheduled for that session. Because of this, topics not placed on the agenda will not be addressed due to the limited amount of time the board has to conduct its official business.
While all residents are welcome to sit in on the scheduled open sessions, the board meetings are not required to be public and may, in fact. at times be conducted in private. There can be many reasons for this but it's neither the board's wishes nor intent to hold closed meetings as routine. Additionally, there are some additional things you should know when attending an open or public meeting:
Our board meetings are held in "open session" meaning all residents are welcome to attend, however there is no "open forum" until the formal meeting agenda has been addressed by the Board of Directors and all official business concluded. Upon such conclusion, it is solely up to the Board Members discretion, as a group, whether to entertain questions or comments from the floor.
The reason for this is your Board Members voluntarily serve on the board. They meet once each month to address and attend to all business of the Village. Because each meeting lasts only for the amount of time necessary in doing so, any extra time the Board Members stay after a scheduled meeting represents their own time and is appropriately, at their own option. In order for an open forum, all Board Members present in the scheduled session must consent to remain present.
Even though it's called an open forum, no topics or issues will be heard that wasn't presented or covered in that same night's agenda. This is to keep everyone current and on track. Each resident will state their full name and address and ask for the floor. Each resident will be allowed to ask or comment on one issue only per meeting and will be allowed three (3) minutes to speak. This is to allow others equal time in speaking. The same question will not be entertained twice regardless of whether or not the Board sufficiently answered to the speakers satisfaction.
A total of 15 minutes will be the maximum amount of time allowed for any open forum following a regularly scheduled meeting and may be ended or extended by motion of any board member, if seconded.
We appreciate everyone's understanding and cooperation in this matter.
NOTE: The board enforces a strict zero tolerance policy against anyone making threats, personal attacks or abusive language or demeanor towards any board member, the administrator or any resident. If such is made, the violator will be immediately removed from the meeting and may be banned from future meetings. The meetings are video recorded and the Jefferson County Sheriff's Department will be called to assist and provided a copy of the video for evidence.