Please direct all comments, questions or concerns including payment and written correspondence to:
Village of Jefferson Residents Association
PO Box 515027, St Louis, MO 63151
You may also contact Renee at 314-221-4380 or by email using the contact form provided below.
NOTE: Do not contact for any personal issues, neighbor or animal problems or property disputes. We cannot help in those matters and will not take sides. If you cannot resolve an issue peacefully, call the local authorities or seek professional legal advice. A helpful list of community contacts can be found here.
We may need to contact you for follow up. Provide your real name and accurate contact information or your message will not be read and automatically deleted.
Village of Jefferson Residents Association
PO Box 515027, St Louis, MO 63151
You may also contact Renee at 314-221-4380 or by email using the contact form provided below.
NOTE: Do not contact for any personal issues, neighbor or animal problems or property disputes. We cannot help in those matters and will not take sides. If you cannot resolve an issue peacefully, call the local authorities or seek professional legal advice. A helpful list of community contacts can be found here.
We may need to contact you for follow up. Provide your real name and accurate contact information or your message will not be read and automatically deleted.
Your VOJ Board of Directors are:
Jenifer Dull, President
Paul Strong, Vice President
Paul Callahan, Treasurer
Toni Janushanis, Secretary, ACC**
Mary Mickey, ACC**
Kristy McMullen, ACC**
Abraham Craig
Jacob Trokey
** Architectural Control Committee Member