The Village of Jefferson is a managed community!
If you've never lived in a managed community you'll find being a homeowner here has its benefits as well as responsibilities. The following is meant to further clarify the relationship between VOJ homeowners and their subdivision management.
All legal homeowners are members of the Village of Jefferson Resident's Association, a non-profit, Missouri corporation. (Renters or other non-homeowner occupants are not entitled.) Each home is accorded one, equal voting right (regardless of co-owners or occupants) in any action requiring member approval. Membership cannot be waived or abrogated by any means or circumstances, however homeowners who are delinquent in any portion of their annual assessment and/or in violation of the Book of Indentures may find their voting privileges suspended and/or common entitlements limited or restricted.
Empowers a board of directors with the legal authority to enforce it's covenants, indentures and property restrictions upon any homeowner and/or property within the subdivision. This is filed with Jefferson County as part of the recorded deed restrictions affecting every property within the subdivision, whether occupied or not. It runs with the land, is non-negotiable and cannot be waived or super-ceded by any subsequent agreement, conveyance or other arrangement. By purchasing a home in the subdivision, the purchaser(s) acknowledge, accept and defer to it's authority and provisions.
If you haven't been provided a copy of the VOJ Book of Indentures, please download a copy HERE. The BOI, as it's known, are the rules, restrictions and responsibilities you have as a VOJ resident. It helps achieve a standard of living, quality of life and seeks to maintain property values throughout our subdivision. ABOUT THE BOOK OF INDENTURES (BOI)
The VOJ Resident's Association is a non-profit Missouri Corporation, governed by the Book of Indentures and overseen by a group of eight board members (one for each plat) comprised of elected or appointed VOJ homeowners in good standing. From time to time, all board seats may not be fully occupied but the board can still legally operate so long as quorum exists. For the board to have quorum, at least three board members must be seated. Seated board members may be present in attendance or in extenuating circumstances, they may submit their vote by proxy. Board members receive a 1/12 monthly stipend (credit) of their annual assessment for attending each monthly meeting but do not receive the credit for unexcused absences. Additional hours of monthly service and on-call duty is voluntary and except for prior board approved reimbursement, not otherwise compensated. Additionally, the directors are not exempt from any special assessments that may be levied. Officer positions are largely for organizational purposes which are held by board members without compensation or special consideration.
An administrator is chosen and hired/contracted by the board to manage day to day subdivision operations and does so at the board's direction and approval. The administrator, therefore, answers only to the Board of Directors and not the residents. The administrator has no authority other than that given by the board and the Book of Indentures. All matters not previously approved must first be presented to the board for review. The administrator is a full-time position overseen by the Board of Directors. The administrator, if a VOJ homeowner, does not receive a stipend and must pay their annual assessment, as well as any special assessments same as any other VOJ homeowner. As of August 1, 2016 The Village of Jefferson is under administration by Ernst Management Services.
A monthly board of directors meeting is held on the second Thursday of each month. Currently it is not open to the residents, nor is it required to be. This is the business meeting of the board where matters of concern, proposals, architectural approval requests and other topics are addressed.
An annual Members Meeting is held the first Saturday in June of every year at 10:00 AM as required by the Book of Indentures. It is open to all VOJ homeowners and is where new and/or incumbent board members are seated. Plats 1,3,5,7 seats are up for election in odd numbered years while Plats 2,4,6,8 seats are elected in even number years.
A distinction between board members who are elected at the annual meeting and those appointed by the directors to fill vacancies arising between elections should be noted. Appointments are at sole direction of the board and may occur anytime there is a board seat vacancy. Becoming a Plat Director / Board Member
The annual meeting location may change from year to year based on availability, weather conditions, etc., so please check this website periodically for up-to-date information.
If you've never lived in a managed community you'll find being a homeowner here has its benefits as well as responsibilities. The following is meant to further clarify the relationship between VOJ homeowners and their subdivision management.
All legal homeowners are members of the Village of Jefferson Resident's Association, a non-profit, Missouri corporation. (Renters or other non-homeowner occupants are not entitled.) Each home is accorded one, equal voting right (regardless of co-owners or occupants) in any action requiring member approval. Membership cannot be waived or abrogated by any means or circumstances, however homeowners who are delinquent in any portion of their annual assessment and/or in violation of the Book of Indentures may find their voting privileges suspended and/or common entitlements limited or restricted.
Empowers a board of directors with the legal authority to enforce it's covenants, indentures and property restrictions upon any homeowner and/or property within the subdivision. This is filed with Jefferson County as part of the recorded deed restrictions affecting every property within the subdivision, whether occupied or not. It runs with the land, is non-negotiable and cannot be waived or super-ceded by any subsequent agreement, conveyance or other arrangement. By purchasing a home in the subdivision, the purchaser(s) acknowledge, accept and defer to it's authority and provisions.
If you haven't been provided a copy of the VOJ Book of Indentures, please download a copy HERE. The BOI, as it's known, are the rules, restrictions and responsibilities you have as a VOJ resident. It helps achieve a standard of living, quality of life and seeks to maintain property values throughout our subdivision. ABOUT THE BOOK OF INDENTURES (BOI)
The VOJ Resident's Association is a non-profit Missouri Corporation, governed by the Book of Indentures and overseen by a group of eight board members (one for each plat) comprised of elected or appointed VOJ homeowners in good standing. From time to time, all board seats may not be fully occupied but the board can still legally operate so long as quorum exists. For the board to have quorum, at least three board members must be seated. Seated board members may be present in attendance or in extenuating circumstances, they may submit their vote by proxy. Board members receive a 1/12 monthly stipend (credit) of their annual assessment for attending each monthly meeting but do not receive the credit for unexcused absences. Additional hours of monthly service and on-call duty is voluntary and except for prior board approved reimbursement, not otherwise compensated. Additionally, the directors are not exempt from any special assessments that may be levied. Officer positions are largely for organizational purposes which are held by board members without compensation or special consideration.
An administrator is chosen and hired/contracted by the board to manage day to day subdivision operations and does so at the board's direction and approval. The administrator, therefore, answers only to the Board of Directors and not the residents. The administrator has no authority other than that given by the board and the Book of Indentures. All matters not previously approved must first be presented to the board for review. The administrator is a full-time position overseen by the Board of Directors. The administrator, if a VOJ homeowner, does not receive a stipend and must pay their annual assessment, as well as any special assessments same as any other VOJ homeowner. As of August 1, 2016 The Village of Jefferson is under administration by Ernst Management Services.
A monthly board of directors meeting is held on the second Thursday of each month. Currently it is not open to the residents, nor is it required to be. This is the business meeting of the board where matters of concern, proposals, architectural approval requests and other topics are addressed.
An annual Members Meeting is held the first Saturday in June of every year at 10:00 AM as required by the Book of Indentures. It is open to all VOJ homeowners and is where new and/or incumbent board members are seated. Plats 1,3,5,7 seats are up for election in odd numbered years while Plats 2,4,6,8 seats are elected in even number years.
A distinction between board members who are elected at the annual meeting and those appointed by the directors to fill vacancies arising between elections should be noted. Appointments are at sole direction of the board and may occur anytime there is a board seat vacancy. Becoming a Plat Director / Board Member
The annual meeting location may change from year to year based on availability, weather conditions, etc., so please check this website periodically for up-to-date information.