Craigslist Alert
Craigslist is a very popular online classifieds service but it's also a scammer's paradise. Some people run ads for desirable but nonexistent merchandise luring cash buyers to their location to commit robbery or worse. Always be sure of who you're dealing with and arrange to meet in a public place, if possible. If not, bring a friend with you and always let someone know where you're going before heading out. There are worse things to lose than just your money. The better a deal sounds, the more caution you should use. Even reasonable sounding offers carry some degree of risk as you're almost always dealing with strangers no matter how friendly they seem, so buyer beware. Trust your gut and don't let your guard down trying to get the deal of the century.
TIP: When buying a car, search the seller's phone number using Google. You'll see how many vehicles the seller has advertised under the same number. This will tell you if the "Private Owner" is actually someone who flips cars for a living. Enter the phone number as a string of numbers (no dashes) and again in phone number format with dashes. Even dealers list cars in the private owner section since there's nothing to stop them from doing so.
Watch what you post online. It could comeback and cost you!
Freedom of speech will not protect you from making false and injurious statements against others. Your comments in a public forum could come back to bite you where it hurts most - in your wallet! Read this:
SCAM ALERT: Investment scams - Seniors take note!
Good info from Missouri Secretary of State, Chris Kinder.
Property Fraud Alert Service
Here's some timely info on one of the fastest growing white-collar crimes - mortgage and property fraud. If you own property, this alert service could prove instrumental in safeguarding your home.
Top 10 St. Louis Deals ...more
Save energy, save $! ...more
The Big Deal ...more
Stop telemarketers! Put your cell # on MO No Call List! ...more
Congratulations! You've just won the lottery! SCAM. ...more
Senior Centers provide meals for those 60 and older ...more
Craigslist is a very popular online classifieds service but it's also a scammer's paradise. Some people run ads for desirable but nonexistent merchandise luring cash buyers to their location to commit robbery or worse. Always be sure of who you're dealing with and arrange to meet in a public place, if possible. If not, bring a friend with you and always let someone know where you're going before heading out. There are worse things to lose than just your money. The better a deal sounds, the more caution you should use. Even reasonable sounding offers carry some degree of risk as you're almost always dealing with strangers no matter how friendly they seem, so buyer beware. Trust your gut and don't let your guard down trying to get the deal of the century.
TIP: When buying a car, search the seller's phone number using Google. You'll see how many vehicles the seller has advertised under the same number. This will tell you if the "Private Owner" is actually someone who flips cars for a living. Enter the phone number as a string of numbers (no dashes) and again in phone number format with dashes. Even dealers list cars in the private owner section since there's nothing to stop them from doing so.
Watch what you post online. It could comeback and cost you!
Freedom of speech will not protect you from making false and injurious statements against others. Your comments in a public forum could come back to bite you where it hurts most - in your wallet! Read this:
SCAM ALERT: Investment scams - Seniors take note!
Good info from Missouri Secretary of State, Chris Kinder.
Property Fraud Alert Service
Here's some timely info on one of the fastest growing white-collar crimes - mortgage and property fraud. If you own property, this alert service could prove instrumental in safeguarding your home.
Top 10 St. Louis Deals ...more
Save energy, save $! ...more
The Big Deal ...more
Stop telemarketers! Put your cell # on MO No Call List! ...more
Congratulations! You've just won the lottery! SCAM. ...more
Senior Centers provide meals for those 60 and older ...more
Important Documents Everyone Should Have
Besides the obvious birth certificate, banking info, passwords, will and insurance policies, here are four must-have documents to keep in a safe place. Whatever your current age, if you're an adult these advance directives are a necessity:
Besides the obvious birth certificate, banking info, passwords, will and insurance policies, here are four must-have documents to keep in a safe place. Whatever your current age, if you're an adult these advance directives are a necessity:
- Living Will: This legal document tells medical professionals and your loved ones exactly which treatments you do (and do not) want.
- Durable Power of Attorney: This written authorization empowers another person (like a family member) to make medical care decisions on your behalf.
- Letter of Instruction: Consider this a complement to your will. In it, you might provide instructions for the care of a pet or passwords for important accounts.
- Do Not Resuscitate Order (DNR): A DNR gives you control over what happens to your body, no matter what. In this directive, you specify the particular scenarios in which medical professionals should forgo CPR.
Board Dedicates Upper Recreational Area As Memorial
In honor of Ron Sanders, who served our VOJ community for many, many years as Association President, the board has unanimously approved the naming of the upper greenbelt area along Monticello Drive as "The Ron Sanders Memorial Park." It's a multi-use area with playground affording residents a large, open greenbelt free of overhead obstructions. The sky's literally the limit for kite flying, as well as perfect for picknicks, volleyball and other fun in the sun activities!
Mr. Sanders is survived by his wife and daughter, both long-time, resident homeowners. The daughter, Jennifer, carries on her father's community service tradition by continuing to serve on the board.
We all owe a debt of gratitude to the entire Sanders family. In comparison to their combined years of dedicated service to our community, this is but a small token of our sincere appreciation.
In honor of Ron Sanders, who served our VOJ community for many, many years as Association President, the board has unanimously approved the naming of the upper greenbelt area along Monticello Drive as "The Ron Sanders Memorial Park." It's a multi-use area with playground affording residents a large, open greenbelt free of overhead obstructions. The sky's literally the limit for kite flying, as well as perfect for picknicks, volleyball and other fun in the sun activities!
Mr. Sanders is survived by his wife and daughter, both long-time, resident homeowners. The daughter, Jennifer, carries on her father's community service tradition by continuing to serve on the board.
We all owe a debt of gratitude to the entire Sanders family. In comparison to their combined years of dedicated service to our community, this is but a small token of our sincere appreciation.