2020 VOJ Road Repairs
Added road improvements were made to a long stretch of Fairfax Drive, from where Fairfax meets Hanover down to Monticello, and also the length of Williamsburg as another planned phase in resurfacing our streets. In addition, quite a few potholes were fixed throughout the Village. Pioneer Paving was selected once again as they've consistently proven themselves to not only be competitive in pricing but also in the quality of work. Additionally they've gone above and beyond by providing added value other paving companies wanted to charge extra for. Thanks to Pioneer Paving and crew for completing this latest stretch of roads!
Your annual assessment pays for this and also the costs for street lighting, 47 acres of common ground maintenance, playgrounds, winter snow removal and all other aspects of daily living in our community at a cost of only .80¢ a day! Please make sure you pay your assessment when due to continue receiving these services.
Added road improvements were made to a long stretch of Fairfax Drive, from where Fairfax meets Hanover down to Monticello, and also the length of Williamsburg as another planned phase in resurfacing our streets. In addition, quite a few potholes were fixed throughout the Village. Pioneer Paving was selected once again as they've consistently proven themselves to not only be competitive in pricing but also in the quality of work. Additionally they've gone above and beyond by providing added value other paving companies wanted to charge extra for. Thanks to Pioneer Paving and crew for completing this latest stretch of roads!
Your annual assessment pays for this and also the costs for street lighting, 47 acres of common ground maintenance, playgrounds, winter snow removal and all other aspects of daily living in our community at a cost of only .80¢ a day! Please make sure you pay your assessment when due to continue receiving these services.
A mailing went out in December regarding the annual assessment and petition for the county to take over Monticello. It is imperative we receive the signed petitions asap at the management office so we can move forward with this project if a majority are in favor. Reminder that you assessment was due on January 1, 2019 with a delinquent date of January 16, 2019. If you are opting for the two-payment method, the first payment was due January 1 and the second payment is due March 1, 2019 with respective late dates of January 16 and March 16, 2019.
Thank you for your prompt remittance.
Thank you for your prompt remittance.

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We are all hoping for a better year than the past one and we are doing our best to bring new updates to the community. We will be doing the next phase of overlaying the streets which is based on need; worst to best. The upper park will have some new play equipment installed and the lower park will get a face-lift; resurfacing the tennis / basketball court, new picnic shelters, and cleaning up the play area.
We would also like to incorporate a community assistance program where if a family is in need we combine our efforts as owners to assist our neighbors. Please share with management if you know of a family or would like to chair this committee.
The Board of Trustees; Jenifer Dull, Mary Mickey, Paul Callahan, Paul Strong, Travis Essmyer and Joshua Bond along with
Renee Ernst, Manager wish everyone Happy Holidays
and a Healthy Prosperous New Year for 2021
We would also like to incorporate a community assistance program where if a family is in need we combine our efforts as owners to assist our neighbors. Please share with management if you know of a family or would like to chair this committee.
The Board of Trustees; Jenifer Dull, Mary Mickey, Paul Callahan, Paul Strong, Travis Essmyer and Joshua Bond along with
Renee Ernst, Manager wish everyone Happy Holidays
and a Healthy Prosperous New Year for 2021

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As of August 1, 2016 The Village of Jefferson is under administration by Ernst Management Services. Welcome letter along with contact info and homeowner information form is available here:

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Open Invitation to Join the VOJ Board of Directors! Our community works best when all eight seats are filled, one to represent each plat. Please consider becoming a board member today!
Become a VOJ Board Member and help make a difference!
The Annual Meeting is also where the Board of Directors are elected. Certain conditions, such as being current in your assessment and having no violations are basic requirements to becoming a board member. If you meet them and other published criteria, you're invited to join. Click on the following link for some helpful information and forms to get you started.
Becoming a Plat Director / Board Member
The Annual Meeting is also where the Board of Directors are elected. Certain conditions, such as being current in your assessment and having no violations are basic requirements to becoming a board member. If you meet them and other published criteria, you're invited to join. Click on the following link for some helpful information and forms to get you started.
Becoming a Plat Director / Board Member

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A mailing went out in December regarding the annual assessment and petition for the county to take over Monticello. It is imperative we receive the signed petitions asap at the management office so we can move forward with this project if a majority are in favor. Reminder that you assessment was due on January 1, 2019 with a delinquent date of January 16, 2019. If you are opting for the two-payment method, the first payment was due January 1 and the second payment is due March 1, 2019 with respective late dates of January 16 and March 16, 2019.
Thank you for your prompt remittance.
Thank you for your prompt remittance.

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The Resident Member's Annual Meeting is held on the first Saturday in June of every year at 10:00 AM, as required in the Book of Indentures. The location changes from year to year based on availability, weather conditions, etc., so please check this website for up-to-date meeting information.
Below are the rules governing participation. Your cooperation is requested and appreciated. Abusive language or any disruptive behavior will not be tolerated of anyone and offending parties will be requested to leave, accompanied by the Jefferson County Sheriff's Department if necessary.
The Resident Member's Annual Meeting is held on the first Saturday in June of every year at 10:00 AM, as required in the Book of Indentures. The location changes from year to year based on availability, weather conditions, etc., so please check this website for up-to-date meeting information.
Below are the rules governing participation. Your cooperation is requested and appreciated. Abusive language or any disruptive behavior will not be tolerated of anyone and offending parties will be requested to leave, accompanied by the Jefferson County Sheriff's Department if necessary.
The Annual VOJ Residents Meeting was held Saturday, June 2, 2018
If you couldn't attend, click here to find a summary on what you missed.
For the official version, please click on Board Meeting Minutes below.
Annual VOJ Residents Association Meeting Held June 2, 2018 at Freer School
Once again a very organized and well informed meeting presented by Ms. Renee Ernst of Ernst Management Company. This year's annual residents meeting was well attended, opening with a formal introduction of current board members, then moving on to the financial status report and announcements of upcoming street maintenance, tentative community social activities along with volunteer requests and other event suggestions. Parking issues and other areas of concern were addressed before closing. There were no candidates seeking election to the board, so no voting was conducted. Interim appointees and elected incumbents remain seated while ongoing calls for the remaining three open plat seats go unfilled.
A highlight included a very intriguing proposal from board member Mr. Paul Callahan. He envisioned a community gathering place as a unifying, focal point for both public and private functions and space to hold future annual meetings, monthly board meetings and other community purposes. His presentation included a very professional-looking, self-designed, color rendering of a themed clubhouse shown in its final phase, which spurred a good deal of interest and creative input from those in attendance. Although just an idea, Mr. Callahan's personal initiative, insight and efforts were greatly appreciated and represented a new direction of forward thinking and planning for our community. It was refreshing to see how just one idea opened creative discussion for other possible short, medium and long range projects.
Once again a very organized and well informed meeting presented by Ms. Renee Ernst of Ernst Management Company. This year's annual residents meeting was well attended, opening with a formal introduction of current board members, then moving on to the financial status report and announcements of upcoming street maintenance, tentative community social activities along with volunteer requests and other event suggestions. Parking issues and other areas of concern were addressed before closing. There were no candidates seeking election to the board, so no voting was conducted. Interim appointees and elected incumbents remain seated while ongoing calls for the remaining three open plat seats go unfilled.
A highlight included a very intriguing proposal from board member Mr. Paul Callahan. He envisioned a community gathering place as a unifying, focal point for both public and private functions and space to hold future annual meetings, monthly board meetings and other community purposes. His presentation included a very professional-looking, self-designed, color rendering of a themed clubhouse shown in its final phase, which spurred a good deal of interest and creative input from those in attendance. Although just an idea, Mr. Callahan's personal initiative, insight and efforts were greatly appreciated and represented a new direction of forward thinking and planning for our community. It was refreshing to see how just one idea opened creative discussion for other possible short, medium and long range projects.
For both new and current VOJ residents
For both new and current VOJ residents
Wonder why we can't keep nice things in our subdivision? It's not for lack of trying. Here's just a couple of reasons:
Looking for a past article? Check the News Archive here.
New Board Members On Board!
Congratulations to Mr. Paul Strong and Mr. Paul Callahan, who were recently appointed to the VOJ Board of Directors. We thank both for their interest in volunteering to help manage our subdivision.
Stepping down from the board is long time member Ms. Barb Axley. She has not only served as a board member but also on the Architectural Control Committee for many years. In addition she has chaired or participated in Yard Pride, Easter Egg Hunt and many past events in our community. The board and all VOJ residents owe Ms. Axley a sincere debt of gratitude for her many years of continued service. Thank you!
The new changes bring the current number of board members to five. We only need three more members to have a full sitting board to represent each of the eight plats. If you'd like to serve on the board, please see the Residents Section of this website for more information.
Congratulations to Mr. Paul Strong and Mr. Paul Callahan, who were recently appointed to the VOJ Board of Directors. We thank both for their interest in volunteering to help manage our subdivision.
Stepping down from the board is long time member Ms. Barb Axley. She has not only served as a board member but also on the Architectural Control Committee for many years. In addition she has chaired or participated in Yard Pride, Easter Egg Hunt and many past events in our community. The board and all VOJ residents owe Ms. Axley a sincere debt of gratitude for her many years of continued service. Thank you!
The new changes bring the current number of board members to five. We only need three more members to have a full sitting board to represent each of the eight plats. If you'd like to serve on the board, please see the Residents Section of this website for more information.

VOJ National Night Out 2017 was a community success! If you missed it, it was a great opportunity to join your neighbors and first responders in taking our community back, ONE STREET AT A TIME FROM CRIME!
VOJ National Night Out 2017 was a community success! If you missed it, it was a great opportunity to join your neighbors and first responders in taking our community back, ONE STREET AT A TIME FROM CRIME!
Introducing two new website symbols to indicate how and where assessment money is being spent.
The color coded symbols show when money is being used positively (Thumbs Up!) to maintain and improve our subdivision and when dollars are being wasted (Thumbs Down!) to repair or replace items damaged by vandalism, enforcement of the Book of Indentures, legal actions, etc.
The objective is to remind everyone we each have a personal responsibility in keeping our community clean and safe, as well as controlling costs. The less money spent on repairs and enforcement, the more money we'll have for improvements, simple as that. And that also means a less likelihood of increasing everyone's annual assessment.
So get on board and do your part, whether it's paying your assessment on time, reporting illegal activity or just maintaining your property. The Administrator and maintenance people can't do everything. After all, it takes a village to have a place we can all proudly call home!
The color coded symbols show when money is being used positively (Thumbs Up!) to maintain and improve our subdivision and when dollars are being wasted (Thumbs Down!) to repair or replace items damaged by vandalism, enforcement of the Book of Indentures, legal actions, etc.
The objective is to remind everyone we each have a personal responsibility in keeping our community clean and safe, as well as controlling costs. The less money spent on repairs and enforcement, the more money we'll have for improvements, simple as that. And that also means a less likelihood of increasing everyone's annual assessment.
So get on board and do your part, whether it's paying your assessment on time, reporting illegal activity or just maintaining your property. The Administrator and maintenance people can't do everything. After all, it takes a village to have a place we can all proudly call home!
The holiday lighting contest is back! Enter the address of a VOJ "Best dressed home for the holidays" on the Contact page. We'll tally the votes and publish the winner here. Winners will be announced this Friday, December 22, 2017!! Pack the kids in the car, turn on the Holiday tunes and check out the festive lights in your community and VOTE. Voting can be done through email, facebook post on Ernst Management Services, or text!! Good Luck to Everyone! Official Contest Rules here.
2017 Assessment letter has been moved to the Residents Only page.
Do you know of someone committing a random act of kindness? With all the negativity going on in the world today, it can sometimes overshadow the everyday acts of kindness people do everyday. From helping an elderly person, someone who is bedridden or just down on their luck. Maybe a recent loss has brought out the compassion in you or your neighbor. We'd like to hear about it. It can be your personal story or someone you know, recent or past experience. The only requirement is it must be true. Please don't use real names or personally identifying information like home addresses, etc. Just tell us about an act of kindness you may know about and upon review, we'll publish it on this website for others to read and spread a daily dose of good news for a change. It may just renew someone's faith in humanity when they need it most, so please, write away! Submit your story using the contact form on our Contact page.
The holiday lighting contest is back! Enter the address of a VOJ "Best dressed home for the holidays" on the Contact page. We'll tally the votes and publish the winner here. Winners will be announced this Friday, December 22, 2017!! Pack the kids in the car, turn on the Holiday tunes and check out the festive lights in your community and VOTE. Voting can be done through email, facebook post on Ernst Management Services, or text!! Good Luck to Everyone! Official Contest Rules here.
2017 Assessment letter has been moved to the Residents Only page.
Do you know of someone committing a random act of kindness? With all the negativity going on in the world today, it can sometimes overshadow the everyday acts of kindness people do everyday. From helping an elderly person, someone who is bedridden or just down on their luck. Maybe a recent loss has brought out the compassion in you or your neighbor. We'd like to hear about it. It can be your personal story or someone you know, recent or past experience. The only requirement is it must be true. Please don't use real names or personally identifying information like home addresses, etc. Just tell us about an act of kindness you may know about and upon review, we'll publish it on this website for others to read and spread a daily dose of good news for a change. It may just renew someone's faith in humanity when they need it most, so please, write away! Submit your story using the contact form on our Contact page.
The 2017 Annual Members Meeting...
for all VOJ homeowners was held Saturday, June 3rd at 10 AM at Freer Elementary School Cafeteria. It was very positive and marked a promising new direction for our subdivision.
Thanks to special guest, Mr. Charles Groeteke (District 4 Representative) for speaking and to the Board of Directors, Administrator Renee Ernst of Ernst Management and all the homeowners who made time to attend.
As a self-funding, self-managed, private subdivision, every homeowner has a right and a responsibility to attend! Your voice matters but can't be heard if you don't take an active interest in your own community.
For concerns at a county level, here's Mr. Groeteke contact info.
for all VOJ homeowners was held Saturday, June 3rd at 10 AM at Freer Elementary School Cafeteria. It was very positive and marked a promising new direction for our subdivision.
Thanks to special guest, Mr. Charles Groeteke (District 4 Representative) for speaking and to the Board of Directors, Administrator Renee Ernst of Ernst Management and all the homeowners who made time to attend.
As a self-funding, self-managed, private subdivision, every homeowner has a right and a responsibility to attend! Your voice matters but can't be heard if you don't take an active interest in your own community.
For concerns at a county level, here's Mr. Groeteke contact info.

New Grasscutters Doing A Great Job!
Most residents have noticed that we have a new company mowing the common ground this year. Matt Vail Contracting is doing an outstanding job for us. If you see one of his workers mowing, please let them know how well they are doing.
Matt has recently taken over maintenance of the island at the entrance to our subdivision. He'll soon be spraying weed control in some areas where drainage rocks slow rainwater run-off. And he's beginning to edge the sidewalk along Monticello Drive. To top it off, Matt and company is providing these additional services to the Village at no additional cost.
Additionally, Matt’s bid was the most reasonable the Village has had in several years. He is the first mower in many years that does not “scalp” the rolling hills between Dandridge and Wayles. His is also the first mowing company that picks up trash from the common ground instead of just shredding it with the mowers. Like we said, he's doing a great job for us all!
Matt also mows overgrown residential lots for the Village. He offers residential mowing at a 30% discount to Village residents and provides general landscaping services in addition to mowing. His response is quick and fair. If you need the services Matt provides, stop him and ask for a bid.
New Grasscutters Doing A Great Job!
Most residents have noticed that we have a new company mowing the common ground this year. Matt Vail Contracting is doing an outstanding job for us. If you see one of his workers mowing, please let them know how well they are doing.
Matt has recently taken over maintenance of the island at the entrance to our subdivision. He'll soon be spraying weed control in some areas where drainage rocks slow rainwater run-off. And he's beginning to edge the sidewalk along Monticello Drive. To top it off, Matt and company is providing these additional services to the Village at no additional cost.
Additionally, Matt’s bid was the most reasonable the Village has had in several years. He is the first mower in many years that does not “scalp” the rolling hills between Dandridge and Wayles. His is also the first mowing company that picks up trash from the common ground instead of just shredding it with the mowers. Like we said, he's doing a great job for us all!
Matt also mows overgrown residential lots for the Village. He offers residential mowing at a 30% discount to Village residents and provides general landscaping services in addition to mowing. His response is quick and fair. If you need the services Matt provides, stop him and ask for a bid.
2013 VOJ Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, March 23 a colorful success!
PHOTOS ONLINE! The Easter Bunny visited the VOJ main ballfield Saturday and left lots of candy, toys and other goodies for all the little Easter egg hunters. Mother Nature cooperated with warmer temperatures and a little sunshine breaking through the clouds from time to time. The annual event was sponsored by the VOJ Board of Directors, who helped make the annual hunt a big success for all attendees. Administrator Ms. Angelean Mobley coordinated the event, arranging for the prizes, placement of the Easter eggs and ever popular photo background stands. Different this year was an area cordoned off in the wooded grove for the older children while the open field was designated for toddlers and smaller children. It seemed to work well as everyone found their share of eggs in record time and had a great time to boot. Thanks to the board and administrator who volunteered their time and efforts to make this year's Annual Easter Egg Hunt another success!
A VOJ BOD sponsored event. Costs do not come from assessment funds.
A VOJ BOD sponsored event. Costs do not come from assessment funds.
2013 Annual Assessment is due
If you haven't paid your 2013 assessment in full or at least made the first half of the two part option by Jan 15, 2013, your account is delinquent. Please make your payment now before additional costs accrue. The second half payment, if you chose the two-part option, will be due March 1, 2013 and delinquent after March 15, 2013.
With the new year comes the annual assessment, which has remained unchanged for the last six years. Pretty remarkable when you consider how the price of everything else has gone up.
Even more so when you realize the population of our subdivision is larger than many small towns, yet as a private subdivision, we don't receive any tax-based municipal or other outside funding. As a community, all operating revenue is generated by the annual assessment.
For 80 cents a day, our streets are repaired and maintained with cinder spreading and snow removal; acres of common ground are regularly mowed, fallen trees removed and brush cleared; sewers and drainage facilities are kept clear and working; street lights operating dusk to dawn; road signage provided and much more.
Administering to the needs of a community our size presents a very demanding, complex and ever-changing situation. Add the unpredictable mix of Midwest weather and it can be very challenging, indeed.
Imagine if you were responsible for the families living here and how meeting their individual needs had to be weighed in serving the overall good of the subdivision. Obviously you can't please everybody but what decisions would you make? Would you strive to serve the greater majority good or bend to a smaller but more vocal minority?
While it's expected there will always be some residents who don't agree with the decisions being made or those who think they could do a better job, most residents are able to go about their daily lives without thinking about what it takes to run our subdivision. That's the way it should be and is largely owed to the efforts of our full time administrator, who keeps the Village running on a daily, as well as a projected basis.
Good management and careful planning has kept the assessments from being raised or levying a special assessment to keep things running. While some amenities had to be sacrificed this past year due to a number of economic factors, the levels of necessary services have remained unaffected. Tough decisions were made this past year but tough decisions are just part of the job.
Whatever you may think of the current administration, the fact is we are doing a job most don't have time for or will ever think about. That is, until we do something someone disagrees with. Then it just adds another layer of difficulty in facing the many challenges at hand. Like a last minute snowfall or a long range plan that takes an unexpected turn, there are some things that catch us by surprise but will eventually be overcome in benefit to our community as a whole and not in catering to any lesser faction.
The Board of Directors and it's administrator wish all our residents a happy, safe and prosperous New Year. We stand ready and are united in facing the challenges of 2013 and look forward to serving our residents in the coming year.
Posted 1/2/13 - Updated 1-16-2013
From MISSOURI REVISED STATUTES CHAPTER 355 Non-Profit Corporation Law:
Sections 821 and 846 stipulate the requirements of non-profit corporations regarding "Corporate records" and respectively, the "Furnishing of financial statements" available here for your reference and convenience or you may also find them at moga.mo.gov/statutes |
Welcome all residents to the VOJ Website! It's a new day!
Those of you who've visited this site before will see a big improvement in ease of navigation, added value and updated content. For those without home computer access, free access can be had at the Windsor Branch Public Library.
Our immediate focus is to keep VOJ residents informed concerning the issues in running our subdivision. As your board, we see this website as a way to communicate more efficiently and effectively - a place where you can learn more about what we're doing to make our community a better place to live and raise our families. We're working towards a goal of better accessibility and transparency but it will take some time, so please bear with us. If you have anything you'd like to see here or other suggestions for this website, please let any one of the Plat Directors know or click HERE.
Barking dogs? Derelict cars? Noisy neighbors?
Did you know Jefferson County has a public nuisance law?
It's called "Section 200.010: Jefferson County, Missouri, Public Nuisance Ordinance" and covers many of the things already found in the VOJ Book of Indentures. Not only derelict vehicles including ...more
Did you know Jefferson County has a public nuisance law?
It's called "Section 200.010: Jefferson County, Missouri, Public Nuisance Ordinance" and covers many of the things already found in the VOJ Book of Indentures. Not only derelict vehicles including ...more